Here are Dave Pezzner's thoughts, "in his own words," about his remix of "It Can Be Found" for the Lost & Found EP on Eclesia.
"I love it when a project goes well. On my favorite remix projects
there's always a certain point where the track seems to take over and
start writing itself. I cant say that everything I do goes as smooth
because sometimes I feel like I have to force my work to fit some kind
of artistic vision - be it for a finicky label owner, or my own
misconceptions about what is going to "work". But this project is one
of the rare ones where I had a chance to let loose some bottled up
abstract energy; to set my inhibitions aside and move forward without
filter. I enjoyed working on this remix immensely, and ultimately
learned a bit - about myself, my creative brain and this music we call
'house'. Big thanks to the A+R staff at Eclesia for bringing me on
board and top notch guidance through this production."
To listen to a sample of each track, please
click here.
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